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Klassieke astrologie

Albvmasaris: De Revolvtionibvs Nativitatvm

Previous owner's signature in pencil
hardcover, cloth, 8vo, xviii, 362 pps. B.G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1968, good/very good/no dj (nr.: 29919)  Euro   75,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Alvidas: Science and Key of Life

7 paperbacks, 8vo, appr. 1750 pps. English, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, 1997, very good (nr.: 40407)  Euro   75,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 18,90 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0877289115
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Andrieu, Irène: Initiation à l'astrologie d'évolution

Traité pratique d'astrologie traditionelle, spirituelle et karmique
Ballpointnotes on appr. 20% of the pages
paperback, sewed, 21 x 15 cm., 256 pps., ind., ills. French, Dangles, St Jean de Braye, 1982, fair (nr.: 39962)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 2703302401
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Blagrave, Joseph: Astrological Practice of Physick

Reprint of 1671 edition. Some errors in pagenumbering but appears to be complete nontheless
paperback, 8vo, 187 pps. English, Ascella, Mansfield, n.d., good (nr.: 35920)  Euro   16,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1898503265
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Boeuffle, André Le: Astronomie Astrologie. Lexique Latin

paperback, sewed, 24 x 16 cm., 291 pps., ind., ills. French, Picard, Paris, 1987, good (nr.: 33477)  Euro   25,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 2708403303
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Boll, Fr./Bezold, Carl: Sternglaube und Sterndeutung. Die Geschichte und das Wesen der Astrologie

Leinenband, 24 x 16 cm., xiv, 235 Seiten mit Sachregister und Illustrationen Deutsch, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1966, 5e durchgesehene Auflage, gut/sehr gut/kein Schutzumschlag (nr.: 41193)  Euro   35,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Bouché-Leclercq, A.: L'Astrologie Grecque

hardcover, cloth, 25 x 16,5 cm., xx, 658 pps., ills. French, Scientia Verlag, Aalen, 1979, good/no dj (nr.: 41342)  Euro   125,00
Porto in Nederland: 0,00 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 351109058X
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Briemle, Dr. Gottfried: Porphyrius. Das astrologisch stimmigste Häusersystem

Rückseite aus Kunststoff, a4, 82 Seiten Deutsch, Arcturus, Schäffern, 2005, sehr gut (nr.: 24935)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Burckhardt, Titus: Mystical Astrology according to Ibn 'Arabi

paperback, sewed, 8vo, 52 pps. English, Beshara, Oxon, 1989, good/very good (nr.: 34679)  Euro   16,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0904975096
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Cumont, Franz: Astrology and religion among the Greeks and Romans

paperback, sewed, 8vo, xvi, 115 pps., ind. English, Dover, New York, n.d., good (nr.: 42826)  Euro   18,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0486205819
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Dorotheus of Sidon: Carmen Astrologicum. Translated by David Pingree

paperback, 23 x 15 cm., xvi, 173 pps. English, Astrology Classics, Abingdon, 2005, good/very good (nr.: 38511)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 193330314X, ISBN13: 9781933303147
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Fludd, Robert: Traité d'astrologie générale (de astrologia)

Ex libris, note on title page, pricetag on backpage
paperback, 8vo, xxii, 293 pps. French, |L'Harmattan, 1993, good/very good (nr.: 39266)  Euro   27,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 2738418961
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Frawley, John: The Real Astrology Applied

With a handwritten greeting from the author to the previous owner
paperback, sewed, 23,5 x 15,5 cm., 217 pps. English, Apprentice Books, London, 2002, very good (nr.: 40674)  Euro   32,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0953977412, ISBN13: 9780953977413
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Gadbury, John: The Nativity of the late King Charls. Astrologically and Faithfully performed; with Reasons in Art, of the Various Success, and Mis-fortune of His whole Life. Being (occasionally) a brief History of our late unhappy Wars

Reprint from 1659 edition
paperback, 23,5 x 16 cm., 99 pps. English, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, 2011, very good (nr.: 42643)  Euro   16,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 190240551X, ISBN13: 9781902405513
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Grimm, A.M.: Astrologische Aphorismen von Strauch-Leovitius

Red underlinings on appr. 20 pages
Taschenbuch, 21 x 15 cm., 226 pps. Deutsch, Hans Baumgartner, Warkpe-Billerbeck, 1954, Gebrauchsspuren (nr.: 38240)  Euro   7,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Gundel, Wilhelm: Sternglaube, Sternreligion und Sternorakel

Etwas muffig, leichte Flecken auf der Aussenseite, erstes freies Vorsatzpapier entfernt
Hardcover mit Leinenrücken, 18,5 x 13 cm., 168 Seiten Deutsch, Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig, 1959, Gebrauchsspuren/kein Schutzumschlag (nr.: 38089)  Euro   12,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Hand, Robert: Traditionelle Astrologie. Ganzzeichenhäuser. Tag- und Nachthoroskope

Orig. Pappband, 8vo, 183 Seiten Deutsch, Chiron, Tübingen, 2007, sehr gut (nr.: 29872)  Euro   17,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3899971574, ISBN13: 9783899971576
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Hephaestion Thebanus/Pingree, David: Apotelesmatica. Vol. I: Apotelesmaticorum Libri Tres. vol. II: Apotelesmaticorum epitomae qvuattor. Edidit D. Pingree

2 hardcover vols, cloth, 8vo, xxix, 463, xxx 491 pps., ind. Teubner, Leipzig, 1973, 1974, good/very good (nr.: 33527)  Euro   140,00
Porto in Nederland: 0,00 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Ibn-Ezra, Avraham: The Beginning of Wisdom. Reshith Chokmah

paperback, 8vo, 158 pps. English, Arhat Publications, 1998, good (nr.: 40251)  Euro   30,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 096622664X
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Kepler, Johannes: Über die zuverlässigeren Grundlagen der Astrologie (De fundamentis astrologiae certioribus)

Titelseite etwas fleckig
Taschenbuch, 8vo, 68 Seiten mit Sachregister Deutsch, Rosenkreutz-Verlag, Kassel, 1975, gut (nr.: 41352)  Euro   17,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3880330107
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Koch, Walter A.: Aspektlehre nach Johannes Kepler

Red ballpointunderlinings on appr. 5 pages
Taschenbuch, 8vo, 96 pps. Deutsch, Rohm Verlag, Bietigheim, 1950, Gebrauchsspuren (nr.: 38701)  Euro   5,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Labouré, Denis: Cours pratique d'Astrologie. Secrets de l'Astrologie des Anciens

Ex libris, notes on appr. 10 pages, some wrinkling of spine
paperback, 24 x 15 cm., 403 pps., ills. French, Editions Chariot d'Or, Escalquens, 2004, fair/good (nr.: 40180)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 291180645X, ISBN13: 9782911806452
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Louis, Anthony: The Art of Forecasting using Solar Returns

paperback, 23,5 x 15,5 cm., 314 pps., ind., ills. English, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, 2008, very good (nr.: 40241)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1902405293, ISBN13: 9781902405292
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Manilius, M.: The Five Books of M. Manilius. Containing a System of the Ancient Astronomy and Astrology. Together with the Philosophy of the Stoicks, done into English Verse with Notes

Name in book, trace of adhesive tape on front and back
spiral bind, 25,5 x 17 cm., 179 pps. English, National Astrological Library, Washington, 1953, fair (nr.: 40104)  Euro   12,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Maternus, Firmicus: Mathesis. Tome I, Livres I et II. Texte établi et traduit par P. Monat

hardcover, cloth, 8vo, 176 pps. Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1992, good/very good/no dj (nr.: 32848)  Euro   30,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 2251013636, ISBN13: 9782251013633
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Maternus, Julius Firmicus: Die acht Bücher des Wissens. Matheseos Libri VIII

Verdeutscht von Hagall Thorsonn. Eingeleitet und kommentiert von Reinhardt Stiehle
Orig. Pappband, 8vo, 445 Seiten mit Index Deutsch, Chiron, Tübingen, 2008, 1st. printing, sehr gut (nr.: 33784)  Euro   35,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 389997171X, ISBN13: 9783899971712
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Maternvs, Firmicvs (Firmicus Maternus): Mathesis

Bibliotheca scriptorvm graecorvm et romanorvm Tevbneriana 1350, 1351
Previous owner's signature on flyleaf. Minimal scratch on front page
2 hardcover vols, cloth, 8vo, xi, 278, lxvii, 558 pps. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1968, good/very good (nr.: 32847)  Euro   150,00
Porto in Nederland: 0,00 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Morin, J.B.: The Morinus System of Horoscope Interpretation. Translated from the Latin and edited by Richard S. Baldwin. Astrologiae Gallicae Liber Vigesimus Primus. De activa Corporum Coelestium Et Passiva Sublunarium Determinatione. Astrologia Gallica Book Twenty On

Penmcilunderlinings on most of the pages
paperback, 22,5 x 15 cm., 109 pps. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Washington, 1974, fair (nr.: 39877)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Noonan, George C.: Classical Scientific Astrology

paperback, 8vo, vii, 165 pps. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, 1984, good/very good (nr.: 31395)  Euro   12,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0866900477
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Olcott, William Tyler: Ophiuchus Or Serpentaurius The Serpent Bearer And Serpens The Serpent

Article extraced from the book "Star Lore of All Ages"
stapled wraps, a4, 7 pps., ills. English, Kessinger, n.d., very good (nr.: 33951)  Euro   8,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1430415304, ISBN13: 9781430415305
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Ptolemäus, Claudius: Die vier Bücher des Claudius Ptolemäus

Taschenbuch, 8vo, 72 Seiten Deutsch, Couvreur, Den Haag, Ohne Jahr, sehr gut (nr.: 43066)  Euro   5,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Ptolémée: Le livre unique de l'astrologie. Astrologie mondiale et thèmes de naissance. Présenté, traduit en commenté par Pascal Charvet

Reading line on spine, date and price on flyleaf
paperback, sewed, 25 x 21 cm., 274 pps., ind., ills. French, NiL Éditions, Paris, 2000, good (nr.: 37897)  Euro   24,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 2841111598, ISBN13: 9782841111596
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Ptolemy, Claudius: Tetrabiblos Book I. Project Hindsight. Greek Track. Volume V

stapled wraps, 8vo, 60 pps. English, The Golden Hind Press, Berkeley Springs, 1994, very good (nr.: 38930)  Euro   14,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Ptolemy, Claudius: Tetrabiblos Book III. Project Hindsight. Greek Track. Volume XII

stapled wraps, 8vo, 60 pps. English, The Golden Hind Press, Berkeley Springs, 1996, very good (nr.: 38931)  Euro   14,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Rameseys, William/Birchfield, Steven [ed.]: Astrologia Munda Or Astrology in its Purity. Being a short but Compendious Introduction to the Judging of the Annual or Yearly Revolutions of the World etc.etc.

Private print?
paperback, a4, 301 pps. English, not indicated, not dated, good/very good (nr.: 41898)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Ruijling, J.A.G.: De zeven delen van de Hermippus met enkele toelichtingen

spiraalband, a4, 178 blz. Nederlands, Bloemfontein, Arnhem, 2005, zeer goed (nr.: 38928)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9075600240
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Ruijling, J.A.G.: Het enigma van de Hermippus: enkele opmerkingen bij de vertaling

spiraalband, a4, 49 blz. Nederlands, Bloemfontein, Arnhem, 2004, zeer goed (nr.: 38927)  Euro   12,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9075600232
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Saunders, Richard: The Astrological Judgement and Practice of Physick. Deduced from the Position of the Heavens at the Decumbiture of the Sick Person

paperback, 23,5 x 19 cm., appr. 400 pps., ills. English, Kessinger, n.d., very good (nr.: 38259)  Euro   40,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0766192970, ISBN13: 9780766192973
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Slooten, Erik van: Klassische Horoskopdeutung. Würden und Aspektbildung in der klassischen Astrologie

Orig. Pappband, 8vo, 95Seiten Deutsch, Chiron, Tübingen, 2005, 1st. ed., sehr gut (nr.: 27368)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3899971299, ISBN13: 9783899971293
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Smoller, Laura Ackerman: History, Prophecy and the Stars. The Christian Astrology of Pierre d'Ailly, 1350-1420

hardcover, cloth, 24 x 16 cm., xii, 233 pps., ind., bibliogr., ills., frontisp. English, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1994, very good/dj very good (nr.: 33534)  Euro   30,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0691087881, ISBN13: 9780691087887
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Stuckrad, Kocku von: Das Ringen um die Astrologie. Jüdische und christliche Beiträge zum antiken Zeitverständnis

Name im Buch
Orig. Pappband, 23,5 x 16 cm., xvii, 912 Seiten, mit Index Deutsch, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 2000, gut/sehr gut (nr.: 37243)  Euro   225,00
Porto in Nederland: 0,00 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3110166410, ISBN13: 9783110166415
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Tobyn, Graeme: Culpeper's medicine. A practice of western holistic medicine

hardcover, cloth, 24 x 16 cm., xix, 278 pps., ind., glos., ills., frontisp. English, Element, 1997, fair/good/dj good (nr.: 42337)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1852309431, ISBN13: 9781852309435
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Virolleaud, Ch. [ed.]: L'Astrologie Chaldéenne. Le Livre intitulé 'enuma (Anu) ilu Bêl'. Publiè, transcrit et traduit par Ch. Virolleaud. Maitre de conférences a la Faculté des Lettres de Lyon. V. 1 Texte cunéiforme, sin

paperback, sewed, 8vo, appr. 180 pps. Pranava Books, n.d., good/very good (nr.: 38107)  Euro   30,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Wassilko-Serecki, Gräfin Zoé: Astrologische Weisheiten. Ein Buch der klassischen Astrologie für den denkenden Menschen von heute

Die Seiten beginnen sich zu trennen
Taschenbuch, 8vo, 160 Seiten, illustriert Deutsch, Baumgartner Verlag, Warpke-Billerbeck, n.d., Gebrauchsspuren (nr.: 38429)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Yamamoto, Keiji / Burnett, Charles [eds.]: Abu Ma'sar on Historical Astrology. The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions)

Volume one: The Arabic Original. Volume two: The Latin Versions
Name previous owner in both books, mild staining of cloth
2 hardcover vols, cloth, 24,5 x 16 cm., 620, 578 pps., ind. Brill, Leiden - Boston - Köln, 2000, good (nr.: 37100)  Euro   340,00
Porto in Nederland: 0,00 Euro / Belgium: 18,90 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9004117334
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Zoller, Robert: The lost key to prediction. The arabic parts in astrology

Mild readinglines on spine, front page seriously bended
paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 245 pps., ind., ills. English, Inner Traditions International, New York, 1980, fair/good (nr.: 42827)  Euro   18,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0892810130
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---: Bres 243. Herontdekking van de klassieke astrologie

paperback, 25 x 18 cm., 96 blz., ills. Nederlands, Bres, Den Haag, 2007, zeer goed (nr.: 35207)  Euro   3,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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---: Bres 280. Verloren beschavingen

paperback, 25 x 18 cm., 80 blz., ills. Nederlands, Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 2013, zeer goed (nr.: 35655)  Euro   3,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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